
Welcome to my website!

I’m Sarah-Jane Duran. I’ve been a cat lover from an early age – my family always had cats and at every point when it’s been possible I’ve had a cat of my own. I’m the sort of person who will always cross the street when I see a cat to find out if he or she wants to make my acquaintance. I’ve quite often had friends and family surprised at how quickly some of their less social cats have warmed to me. People have asked me what my secret is, but at the end of the day it’s just that I ‘get’ cats – I understand their language. I do love all animals and at CatSnap we’ll photograph any pet…but cats will always be our main specialty.

We have two cats of our own, Rukia and Amber, both rescues with delightfully quirky personalities. They’re a huge part of our family and bring an amazing amount of joy to our lives (and not a small amount of laughter!)

As for photography, it’s been a passion of mine since my high school days, back when it was all about film and the darkroom. I’ve had a camera in my hand ever since, but have been making a living off it the last six years, primarily in the areas of stock and nature photography (under my maiden name SJ Allen). I’ve won a number of awards and been published in a variety of media outlets, including the Guardian, Men’s Health and Buzzfeed. Now that my son is a little older and I have the time for a studio business, I’m thrilled to be finally capturing portraits of the animals I love most.

Look forward to talking to you about your cat!
